Technicolor Jesus

#25: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part 1)



On the eve of Christmas, Adam and Matt welcome Amy Merrill Willis to talk about the Christmas merits of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part 1). Did you bring your camping tent, your hiking shoes, and a teenage dose of angst? Good. Then you are ready to discuss the penultimate installment in the Harry Potter movie series. Amy leads us in a wide ranging discussion about the moral formation of young people, the dark times of Christmas, and how the thing we want to destroy can actually poison our relationships. This is not your typical Christmas podcast, but it might be the one you need to hear this season. So dust off your magic wand, polish your Hogwarts diploma, and tune in to another week of Technicolor Jesus. Intro: 20th Century Fox Fail: Outro: Okee Dokee Brothers, "A Thousand Star Hotel"