Technicolor Jesus

#16: Top Gun



In honor of our nation's independence day, we got needs. Speed needs. Wait... that's not right, we have a need for speed? I think that's right. Today, we are pleased to welcome minister and writer Becca Messman to the podcast to school us in all things Top Gun. What does a move so quotable like Top Gun have to say about catechesis? How does our own ego get in the way of our work as Christians? In what way is the road to Jericho truly a highway to the Danger Zone. This week we explore what Top Gun has to do with the lectionary week of Year C, Ordinary 15, July 10. Becca leads us in a rousing discussion about why Top Gun is a helpful starting place for our ministry questions. So break out the volleyball, make up your own call sign (mine is Wombat), and get ready to have your breath taken away. It's time for Technicolor Jesus. Intro: 20th Century Fox Fail - Outro: Wings, Jet