Technicolor Jesus

#8: Waiting for Guffman



Technicolor Jesus is movie-talk for pastors, preachers, and Sunday School teachers. In this episode, Matt and Adam discuss what Christopher Guest's Waiting for Guffman has to do with the lectionary texts for April 17, the fourth week in Easter. Adam argues that community theater and small church ministry are cut from the same cloth and lodges an apologia for acting out the scriptures in church. Matt looks at the book of Revelation as a moment of volunteer appreciation and looks forward to pentecost and God's use of fire. So come by the DQ and get a coke and then listen to this week's Technicolor Jesus and hear why Waiting for Guffman matters for your ministry. Links Discussed in this Episode: Ian McKellen, "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow" Intro: 20th Century Fox Fail - Outro: The Band, "Stage Fright"