Wake Up Call With Cj Hallock

Daily Hustle Report • February 12, 2019



https://cjhallock.com/dhr021219/ It was a very long and productive day! I'll tell you, I don't do it often, but waking up at 4-5am allows me to do so much before the roosters start going off!! Been working through the Gary Vaynerchuck 86 Page Content Marketing Strategy.  I’ve been piecing together a strategy that will allow me to create about 25-35 pieces of content per day.  I’ve got everything pieced together and now I’m trying to get the notes all in order in this stack of papers so I can come back to it after the Blitz Challenge and launch a social media training. I’ve waited long enough! For those of you who know me, you know how crazy I can get trying to have a conversation without a whiteboard.  Now think about when I’m talking to myself!! lol  I use the whiteboard for more than just doing pieces of training for you awesome people I brainstorm on it almost daily along with mindmaps and processes. It's getting closer and closer ... I've been working around the clock for the launc