Wake Up Call With Cj Hallock

Daily Hustle Report • February 11, 2019



Check out the full Daily Hustle Report Blog https://cjhallock.com/dhr021119/ Slow start to the morning.  But, was productive none the less. I started working on some client projects for the first few hours and was listening to the audio of “The Rise of Audio Branding” and the “4 Hour Vlog” from GaryVee… So after I finished the client work I had a few cards on the KanBan Board based on notes from the video. After watching a few of Gary’s videos and heard him talk about the importance of an audio tag I took a few minutes in the lab and came up with an audio tag that will be on all of my videos.  Watch the Daily Hustle Report below and you’ll hear it! I also created a lower third type of video to go with all of my video content moving forward. Good lunch! Trying to keep it healthy so I had some turkey sausage, green peppers, broccoli, and 4 eggs.  Topped off with salt, pepper, cheddar & hot sauce.  (This healthy eating thing is still a work in progress) Been working on the final touch