Ballots And Bottles

Freedom Trivia ft. Pete Blackburn



HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY YA'LL. Guys, it's July 4th, TURN UP. Ellen and Lexi wanted to honor this beautiful country with an American history trivia game. Turns out, they're not that great with history, and even worse with state capitals. Could it be the fact that they polished off a bottle of wine and they recorded at midnight on a Tuesday? Maybe. Could it be because they were both thrown off by the fact Lexi openly shared how she lost her virgintiy? Probably. Pete Blackburn, formally from Fox Sports, now from Twitter, hosts the trivia show and has never looked at Ellen and Lexi the same since. Follow us on @BallotsandBottles @EllenFlem @LexiDussi and Email/DM us your shirt sizes and addresses!