Pioneers Post

The Arab Awakening: paying the price for democracy



The so-called "Arab Awakening" spread to Egypt on 25 January 2011. Seventeen days later, the country's dictator President Mubarak resigned from office. It was a monumental moment in history – but it marked the beginning, not the end, of Egypt's journey to democracy and stability. Two and half years on the country finds itself under the stewardship of an increasingly controlling theocracy and has reached an economic nadir. But, Dr. Iman Bibars - VP of Ashoka Global and Regional Director of Ashoka Arab World - is optimistic. Ashoka UK invited Dr. Bibars to London, to speak at an event hosted by law firm Hogan Lovells. Pioneers Post went along to hear more about the situation in Egypt today - and how social entrepreneurs are playing an important role in building a new society. P.S. This video is brought to you by the team at Pioneers Post – a social enterprise set up to deliver great journalism to support social entrepreneurs, impact investors and mission-driven businesses. Good journalism like this cos