On The Couch With Dr Tracie Rogers

Mental Health Awareness



In this episode of On The Couch, Drama Therapist Karline Brathwaite and I speak about our recent research project "Why You Wanna Fly?" This was a research project that examined how people living with mental illness experience self and social stigma. Stigma is the biggest obstacle to accessing treatment and care. We can all play a part in improving the lives of people living mental illness. At Wholeness and Wellness Counselling we offer individual and couple counselling services for adolescents and adults. Reach us at 347-1042 or email at help@wholenessandwellnesscounselling.com #nofilter #showupasyouare2019 #wearingauthenticity #workingwithtruth #emotionalauthenticity #trinidadandtobago #caribbean #growingintruth #howwerisewewalk #truthtalking #rethinkinganxiety