SALES Network1

15: Coaching the coach in sales w/Andy Paul



How do you coach your sales teams? Andy Paul who is the founder of The Sales House joined me on this 15th episode of the show, he is one of the world's top sales coaches and someone that has turned into a mentor towards my endeavors. I look up to Andy and highly respect him for the amount of wisdom he carries. We barely scratch the surface on the number of topics in sales I could discuss with him. Below are some of the takeaways from the episode: ✏️ If you want to coach other people, first of all, you have to understand that you need to model the behavior yourself, and you have to exhibit those same traits that you are trying to coach others ✏️ Serving has to be at the forefront of your traits as a coach, and the most important question is, how can I help you become the best version of YOU? ✏️ Are you truly helping your team become successful in their lives? If your focus as a manager is simply finding out on how you can your team close one particular deal, then you got it wrong, it’s about life in general, h