Rosie Kohl's Vaudeville Broadcast

#7 - Powerhouse Paul L Martin Discusses Drag & Dichotomies



                Paul L Martin and Rosie sit down for a chat about all things deliciously different. This week's topics include: Being precocious; drama school drama; picking yourself up again; proving yourself; cheese dipped in mayonnaise; gaining perspective; finding your spiritual home; finding your other spiritual home; cafe connections; drag, diamonds and dirt; the darkness behind the glitter; sparkle & sawdust; being an agent; the Battersea Barge; what's on the agenda next... Paul:Paul L Martin is the director of entertainment agency Excess All Areas and founder of the London Cabaret Awards.  An award-winning performer in his own right, he has worked in the industry for over 20 years as an actor, singer, producer, promoter and agent.  He has appeared as a TV talent show judge on Sky TV and created the role of Ph