Heed Your Calling With Jim Schubert

Keys To Building Healthy Marriages with...Jackie Bledsoe



Welcome to an incredible conversation with Jackie Bledsoe as he shares valuable insights, trials and victories encountered on his calling journey…as he forges his path as a husband, father,, servant leader and entrepreneurial breadwinner: Jackie and his bride are one of America’s leading couples championing, coaching and inspiring marriage & family Relationships to thrive. It hasn’t always been that way as Jackie’s path has taken through many challenging seasons – including the valley of homelessness for him and his family not once but twice – AND yet by trusting the Lord through it all, were refined and learned some of life’s most valuable lessons from it all. These lessons changed his life and he now shares them in his writing and speaking. Jackie’s calling is to help you better lead and love your family, so you can have a lasting and fulfilling marriage, and meaningful influence on your kids. Jackie’s wisdom is in demand and you can catch him on various platforms such as The Huffington Post, The Good