Technicolor Jesus

67: Minding the Gap



On this week's Sunday Morning Matinee, Matt and Adam talk about skateboarding, family, brokenness and Bing Lau's incredible film, Minding the Gap. In the first segment, Matt and Adam discuss the themes of the film and how they intersect with life, theology and ministry. Specifically, the conversation examines the way in which violence shapes, deforms and inspires the main characters. In the second segment, Matt and Adam discuss the movie in light of the lectionary scriptures for this coming Sunday, November 3rd. Specifically, the conversation centers around Habbakuk, the alternate Psalm and the interplay of truth, waiting, and patience. Finally, in the last segment, Matt talks parasites and Adam talks waves. Minding the Gap  is an amazing film, go watch it. Once you have, come and join the conversation!