Searching For Bernie (sanders)

#21: One Night in Iowa



  This past Monday in Iowa, the 2016 election season finally began in earnest with actual voters casting actual votes.  As my son and I watched the whole thing unfold from our home in Maryland, we felt like we were missing the Main Event. As I’ve mentioned with monotonous regularity on this podcast, Caleb and I spent a week in Iowa last August just outside Cedar Rapids, where we volunteered in one of Bernie’s field offices. We made phone calls. We knocked on doors. We did what we could to help the full-time campaign staffers get the word out about Bernie. And now the time had finally come... but we weren’t there to see what actually happens at a precinct caucus. So, I called up a few people who were there: Kathryn Stack, Rhonda Shouse, and Jennifer Herrington. They provide some vivid snapshots of what happened on Monday night... what’s wonderful about Iowa’s caucuses... and what