Fdh Tech Talks

Women in STEM Today with Vanessa Hatcher, Klarissa Ramos, Nicolette Egan



    What is the state of women in STEM today? Are enough women being mentored and encouraged to pursue STEM careers during their secondary and college years? The consensus is, there is a need for women and young people to pursue STEM jobs. With plenty of opportunities out there, women must play a crucial role in filling STEM jobs. At FDH Infrastructure Services, that's a top priority. Vanessa Hatcher, Civil Engineer, Klarissa Ramos, Project Engineer 1, and Nicolette Egan, Project Engineer II, join today’s FDH Tech Talks podcast to share their engineering stories, challenges entering the industry, and what individuals and companies can do to get more women into STEM jobs. "STEM is one of the base educational aspects that we have. It's one of the best ways of learning how to think," Hatcher said. Hatcher discovered civil engineering through her love of water parks. Egan became interested in STEM during high school, and later, she pursued engineering in college. Ramos’ love of engineering cam