Adrian Has Issues

Episode 109: Anirealism (with Cal Warner aka Schematist)



Calbert Warner is a NYC based music composer, gamer and photographer. Under the moniker Schematist, Cal has crafted musical projects that incorporate numerous subgenres of electronic music such as World Fusion, Breakbeat and Glitch-Hop. Schematist's latest release, Anireal, is a biographical musical journey of Jessica Fong, the founder of Lonely Egg Studios. The album tells the story of Jessica's experiences in dealing with depression and mental health and serves to bring to light subjects that are often overlooked or even ignored throughout society. In this episode, Cal and Adrian engage in a thought-provoking conversation on the power of music and the influence it has played in both of their lives. Additionally, both individuals express a mutual love of videogame soundtracks and the brilliance of Final Fantasy 9 and other role playing games.