Adrian Has Issues

Episode 27: The Rainmaker



This week's episode was recorded during Hurricane Joaquin's brief reign of terror on the East Coast. It's strange to say, but the weather couldn't be more appropriate! Maya Glick is a Texas-based writer, musician and martial artist. She is also the creator of Rain an fan film based on the X-Men character Storm. Maya tells her story of how the Storm's fictional journey mirrored her own, providing inspiration for not only the film, but her personal life as well. Also, Maya shares some amusing anecdotes from the filming of the project and gives her thoughts on the depiction of Storm throughout the X-Men movies. This and every episode can be found on iTunes, Stitcher and the new Satchel Podcast App, available for Android and iOS. Please subscribe leave a rating and review. Doing so helps the podcast reach more potential listeners. As always, thank you for your support! Adrian Has Issues is a proud member of the Tangent-Bound Podcast Network.