Now You Know - With Ryan Chamberlin

Ep22 - Can Anyone Build a TEAM in Network Marketing?



Complement with my new podcast episode on NOW YOU KNOW - The Show: Get my latest book free! I bought copies for my YouTube subscribers, so you don't pay for the hardcover book. I just ask you to pay your shipping so I can give away as many as possible. Get yours here while supplies last: SUMMARY ===========Can anyone really build a NETWORK?  (You’ll be surprised at the Answer)NO THEY CAN’t – At least with the current way that MOST people think. The good news is YES – Anyone can decide to think differently, and when they do – YES anyone CAN build a network.Bottom line – this is why most organizations are full of people that don’t seem able to build such a simple business.  People simple choose to be a NO I can’t build it instead of being a YES – I choose to think differently to build it.  #NowYouKnowRyan========== FOLLOW ME ========== Subscribe to this channel: