Becoming Catholic Podcast - St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center

The Mystery of God and the Trinity



Matt’s keynote presentations: Divine InitiativeHomework:- Pray through the attribute of God that you must resonate with and the one you are the weakest in (i.e. Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Justice, Mercy, Love, etc). Give thanks to God for the strength he has given you. Read a passage from one of the Gospels, looking for how Christ reflects those two attributes perfectly, asking for the grace to better express the attribute you struggle with.- Journal and prayer through the question: How am I reflecting the mystery of God as "Gift." Where do I struggle receiving and giving of myself? Ask for the grace to be able to give of ourselves more authentically to those closest to us!Prayer Assignment: (choose at least one to prayer through until we return together).- Isaiah 55.8-11- Exodus 3.13-14- John 3.16- John 14.16-17- John 16.7Additional Resources:- Frank Sheed, Theology and Sanity, Chapters 3-8- Catechism of the Catholic Church, Paragraphs 199-278.Live near Boulder, Colorado? Sign up with the RCIA Interview Form a