Red Jokers: A Faux Shaux

Red Jokers Episode 8: Controlling Things With Your Hand



Whats boppin boys and girls? In episode 8 of the Red Jokers Dave and Nick are sadly absent, because the world needs them. However, Huw and Jezza know that the show must go on no matter what! The intrepid pair talk about control hands. How best to use your hand and some of the many factors you should consider. We also discuss some of the more overrated and most underrated models in Malifaux. - Include some in your games and tell us how you go. If you have any other suggestions for underrated and neglected figurinos, or you've got some other hot tips that we missed regarding control hands, why not write in to or on our facebook page "Red Jokers: A Faux Shaux" Music in this episode: Parov Stelar - Catgroove David Bowie - Space Oddity James Brown - Payback