The Thing Committee

Episode 41: Kira Soltanovich & Graham Elwood



More LA PodFest Squarespace podcasting lounge goodness, this time with Kira Soltanovich (hereafter referred to as 'Da Bomb') and surprise guest Mr Palm Strike Army himself Graham Elwood. Steve Molk sat down with these giants of LA comedy to discuss things like is body modification a thing? (three made-up boobs and all), being the naughty uncle & Are Kiwis on the Gold Coast a thing?... Please ensure you've dialled two zeroes before starting this episode so that when your sides split all you have to do is enter the remaining zero to call for an ambulance. And as Graham Elwood always says... "I America USA". http://www.lapodfest.com post TC 41: Kira Soltanovich & Graham Elwood appeared first on The Thing Committee.