Erin Burnett Outfront

Sources: Diplomat says Giuliani pushed for visa for former Ukrainian official who promised dirt on Democrats; The Atlantic: Allies urging Trump to resist firing Mulvaney as Chief of Staff due to impeachment probe; GOP Rep. Francis Rooney: Quid pro quo on



Trump tries to downplay Mulvaney quid pro quo admission as sources say he's angry and Pelosi calls it a "confession"; Report: Trump allies urging him not to fire Mulvaney, warn he may be damaging witness in impeachment probe; Secretary Perry on orders to work with Giuliani on Ukraine: "I didn't see a problem with that at all"; Ex-GOP Gov. Kasich says he now backs impeachment as sitting GOP Rep. Francis Rooney says he won't rule it out; Trump gives gift to his own resort: Next year's G7 Summit; Hillary Clinton suggests Russians are "grooming" Tulsi Gabbard for third-party presidential run; Trump: Ceasefire has been a "tremendous success"; Kurdish forces say Turkey is already violating agreement; McConnell on Trump's Syria policy: "Grave strategic mistake"; Former Trump Defense Secretary Mattis mocks Trump after President called him "overrated"; American astronauts on first all-female spacewalk via Knit