Erin Burnett Outfront

Trump's Chief of Staff admits to quid pro quo with Ukraine; Republicans slam Mulvaney for admitting quid pro quo on Ukraine



White House in damage control mode after Chief of Staff admits to quid pro quo with Ukraine; Mulvaney admits to quid pro quo with Ukraine despite repeated Trump denials that no such deal existed; Department of Justice official on quid pro quo admission: "That is news to us"; Mulvaney: Politics involved in foreign policy, "get over it"; Representative Cummings dead at 68; was key figure in impeachment inquiry; Explosive testimony: diplomat breaks with Trump, says he had no choice but to work with Giuliani; Trump's ambassador to EU testifies for 10 hours; says Trump ordered him to work with Giuliani on Ukraine; Wall Street Journal: Trump agreed Mulvaney had to walk back quid pro quo remark; Mulvaney defends Giuliani's work in Ukraine; says it is "not illegal" and "President gets to use who he wants to"; GOP Senator Murkowski on Mulvaney admitting quid pro quo on U.S. aid to Ukraine: "Absolutely that's a concern"; GOP Representative Francis Rooney: