Erin Burnett Outfront

Sources: Extreme measures being considered to protect whistleblower's identity if he or she talks to Congress; Ex-Trump lawyer representing Giuliani associates claims Democrats trying to "harass, intimidate and embarrass" his clients; Trump defends pullin



Democrats' far-reaching impeachment inquiry now involves White House, Pentagon, Office of Management and Budget, and State Department; Ex-Trump lawyer accuses House Democrats of harassment, intimidation; Source: House Democrats prepared to subpoena Giuliani associates; Trump refuses to answer if he was serious about asking China to investigate the Bidens; President Trump defends pulling U.S. troops from Syria as top Republicans slam the decision; GOP Senators slam Trump's decision to pull troops from Syria after defending him against impeachment inquiry; Trump door at center of Ukraine scandal to testify tomorrow; U.S. Ambassador named by whistleblower and who texted there was "no quid pro quo" with Ukraine to testify tomorrow; Biden supporters, aides worry about Trump attacks; After suffering a heart attack, Sanders says he hopes to get back on the trail "soon"; Sanders on his hear attack recovery: "I feel very good"; Im-peach-ment emoji: sign of the times; via Knit