Erin Burnett Outfront

Whistleblower: Trump tried to get Ukraine to interfere in 2020 election, and White House tried to cover it up; Burr vows Senate Intel will get answers in whistleblower probe; Acting DNI Chief defers to White House on Guiliani questions, says he doesn't kn



Whistleblower: White House tried to cover up Trump's abuse of power; Whistleblower: White House officials said White House lawyers "directed" them to remove electronic transcript of Ukraine call; Whistleblower: White House officials moved Trump's call transcript to codeword-level system; "Not the first time"; Acting DNI Chief: I defer to White House on questions about Guiliani; Acting DNI Chief defers to White House on Guiliani's role; says only knowledge of him is from TV and news media; Guiliani defends digging for dirt on Bidens in Ukraine, insists that "When this is over, I will be the hero"; GOP Representative Turner to Trump: Ukraine phone call "Not ok"; Representative Hurd joins list of Republicans raising concerns, says "a lot in the whistleblower complaint that is concerning"; Trump accuses Biden of misconduct, despite no evidence; Trump accuses Vice President Biden of misconduct in firing of Ukrainian prosecutor; no evidence of any wro