Performance On Demand Podcast

How to deal with downtime and a fatigued body



In this episode, Craig and Jeremy talk about downtime, how to deal with it along with a fatigued body Highlight: (03:50) Taking some downtime (05:15) The Fatigue body (06:15) Feedback on how to mentally prepare for downtime (06:35) What you do tends to become your identity and this can lead to a loss of self (08:45) Setting that 2nd and 3rd goal (POD 008) (13:00) To take a step back doesn't mean to lose anything (14:15) How do we prepare for our plan for downtime (16:45) What can I do during downtime? (21:20) Your results are only as good as your planning (22:00) Affirmation (23:00) The 100% rule (POD episode 021) (25:00) Finding that level of acceptance (Double C - POD 029) (26:30) Trust your coach! (28:00) Grant yourself the gift of patience (29:30) Question TIME