This Much Love!

Chonky Bois!



Keenan asks Katy, "How much do you love hippos?" -- Kohler, WI Endgame How do relate human? Beep boop. John Wick movies iPad 2/Retina HDR SD 1080p ROI Switchtracking Apple TV screen savers Los Angeles Observatory Grave of the Fireflies Schindler’s List Pick of the Litter In Otter News r/aww Chihuahua Cavalier King Charles Spaniel A Style Guide for Dogs My dog is a chonky boi Hippopotamus = river horse Hippo facts! Fiona! Cows coming home to music Fantasia -- Your hosts: Katy Harth and Keenan Schneider For more of This Much Love, follow us on Twitter @thismuchlove Music: "Same as You Wanted" by Jackson Davis - Check out his EP, "701." If you love the show, would you be so kind as to leave us a review on iTunes? It helps other people discover the show so they can love it, too!