This Much Love!

It's Just Bolognese!



Katy asks Keenan, "How much do you love The Cornetto Trilogy?" -- Tuck Everlasting Bicentennial Man Twitter Tom Segura Kohler, WI Marvel Cinematic Universe Endgame John Wick Daredevil Jackie Chan Bruce Lee Mission: Impossible Keanu Reeves Danny Trejo Cloud Cult The Cornetto Trilogy Shaun of the Dead Hot Fuzz The World’s End Edgar Wright Simon Pegg Nick Frost Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Baby Driver Zach Galafanakis The Hangover Anchorman Cornetto Drumstick Movies with Mikey Every Frame a Painting Us Get Out Jordan Peele Ant-Man Edgar Wright & Ant-Man Taika Waititi Thor Ragnarok Rian Johnson Spaced Timothy Dalton Olivia Coleman -- Your hosts: Katy Harth and Keenan Schneider For more of This Much Love, follow us on Twitter @thismuchlove Music: "Same as You Wanted" by Jackson Davis - Check out his EP, "701." If you love the show, would you be so kind as to leave us a review on iTunes? It helps other people discover the show so they can love it, too!