This Much Love!

How do Relate Human? Beep Boop.



Talking points: Merlin Mann A Brief History of Myers Briggs (AKA MBTI) More about Keenan’s type: INFJ Introversion vs Extraversion Intuiting vs Sensing (also known as Observing) Thinking vs Feeling Judging vs Perceiving (also know as Prospecting) DiSC Frank James More about Katy’s type: ISFJ INFJ vs. ISFJ (or this article!) - the differences and commonalities between them. For a free MBTI test and profile, check out INFJs are the rarest type Katie Cravens Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella –– Your hosts: Katy Harth and Keenan Schneider For more of This Much Love, follow us on Twitter @thismuchlove Music: "Same as You Wanted" by Jackson Davis - Check out his EP, "701." If you love the show, would you be so kind as to leave us a review on iTunes? It helps other people discover the show so they can love it, too!