This Much Love!




This episode, Katy gets real meta, and asks Keenan how much he loves podcasts. The ensuing conversation covers the breadth of the various podcasts we love, why, and how we were inspired to create some podcasts of our own. Talking points: The Talk Show - originally hosted by: John Gruber (of Daring Fireball) and Dan Benjamin Back to Work - hosted by Dan Benjamin & Merlin Mann My Brother My Brother and Me - hosted by the McElroy brothers (Justin, Travis, and Griffin) Reconcilable Differences - hosted by Merlin Mann and John Siracusa Diggnation The Totally Rad Show Tim & Jeff’s Podcast Keenan’s past and current podcasts: FKRS with Fletcher Rhoads (Archived) Limitless Adventure with Charles Stark (Archived) Sextless Marriage with Gia Scalise (Archived) Accidental Podcast Podcast with Klein Maetschke and Nate Boateng The Adventure Zone - hosted by the McElroy Brothers and their dad, Clint! This American Life - hosted by Ira Glass The TED Radio Hour A Prairie Home Companion - UPDATE: in the wake o