Mike, Yoz & Nath

March 16th 2018: #MikeNathPhoebe



Mike, Nath and Phoebe Timmins from Survivor Australia joined the team with a massive program as we got to know Phoebe and brought her in as part of the team and made her feel at home. Nath debuted his new track, Yoz did entertainment from Sydney this afternoon and we were joined by Mike McLeish who plays music producer Don Kirshner in Beautiful The Carole King Musical. Hip hop artist Hudson Wallace joined us to discuss his new track and side projects, both members of Mama Kin Spender chatted everything 'Golden Magnetic' and their Melbourne shows as well as an interesting fact that kept Mike stunned. Ricki Needs reviewed 'Annihilation' which debuted on Netflix and Karl Bianco previewed Friday Drive.