SALES Network1

20: Without a community you are simply a commodity by and with/Sangram Vajre



“Without a community, you are simply a commodity.” Strongly said by Sangram Vajre, Chief Evangelist, and Co-Founder at Terminus: Account-Based Marketing, and in those words is the reminder to everyone that it all starts with your community. FlipMyFunnel has grown not just as a podcast listened by 100k+ people, but as a community with over 10k+ people sharing their interest and passion for this category It later evolved from a #FlipMyFunnel roadshow of events into partnering up this year with the lights of #RevTalks and #DemandGen, which brought together the super successful #B2BMX Summit last August, with 1k+ people attending it This is how you drive a movement. Now, how do you get started? how do you build a community? ✏️ Think about problem market-fit or product market-fit. Focus on the problem, but your community is the way to discover that the problem is big enough ✏️There is no category of one that was created and has a successful movement, that is why having competitors is great. It’s a different ball g