Moto Japan




A bit different podcast this time: We're sharing the audio from a panel discussion on self-driving cars at TRAN/SUM, Transportation and Mobility Technology Summit hosted by NIKKEI and the Japanese Government. Panel title: SELF-DRIVING TECHNOLOGIES: STEERING TOWARDS FULL AUTOMATION This panel explored the current capabilities of (semi)autonomous cars, and where they will lead us in the future: How far are we from full automation and which steps need to be done to gain the trust of industry professionals, as well as the wider public? Which steps are essential in quality assurance of large connected autonomous systems, and how will they impact our daily lives? PANELISTS: Christian Weiner, Senior Product Manager, Softing Automotive Electronics Shakti Mahapatra, Co-Head, Business Development, Netradyne Masayuki Ishizaki, CEO, Ascent Robotics Una Softic, Innovation Consultant, TRAN/SUM & Moto Japan!