That Vet Life

Scrubbed In - Should you Care what they think?



It's been a hot minute. But now that exams are over and Dani and I are in the same time zone, recording episodes should be more regular.... In theory. . In this episode we get you Scrubbed In to what's been happening these past few weeks and talk about all that is to come between now and graduation. Additionally, we chat about the idea of not caring what other people think about you. It's a bit of a hot topic in today's society and seems to be used more as a 'feel good' statement or as a way to validate our own paths. As it is a blanket statement in today's episode I caution everyone from using it blindly. This is because though it has its attributes, it should be taken with caution. In today's episode, Dani and I barely scratch the surface as we ask the question of 'Should you care what they think?" . Ok, a bit of a personal plug now, but beyond finishing selected rotations and finding a job there is a little thing called an SRC, or 'Student Research Component.' It's something all vet students here at the Di