Ain't Talkin' 'bout Van Halen

Episode 16 - Live: Right Here, Right Now



A Live Album! A Live Album? Who knows! Can you tell? That’s right, it’s Live: Right Here, Right Now!Hey! Who’s that there sniffing? David Lee Roth? Can you see Sammy and the gang are busy! No we’re not doing a greatest hits album! Haven’t you heard of a thing called MOMENTUM?! Okay, fine, we’ll do a live album. Can we re-record nearly the whole thing afterwards? Strange request.. but sure! Not a problem! That’s right listeners, we’re Live: Right Here, Right Now! (Well, ish)That’s right listeners, we’re back and we’re live, just like Eddie, Alex, Michael and Sammy. Well kind of anyway. Happy New Year!DON'T FORGET! We're on Twitter @TalkinVanHalen and now Facebook too at, so do drop us a tweet and a facepost. AND if you've a flight of fancy, we'd sure appreciate a review over there on the iTunes!