Fr. David Sellery

Martin's Greatest Gift: Honoring MLK, Jr.



"If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it." -- 1 Cor. 12:26. January is a very dreary month and we can all use a break. Twenty-five years have passed and "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day" has slipped into the rotation of routine events that shape our lives -- smack in the middle of the NFL playoffs and right before Groundhog's Day. But Martin's greatest gift to us is not just a day off or another three-day holiday weekend of promotional sales to kick-start the economy. Neither is his greatest gift a seat on a bus or at a lunch counter for a minority of us. It's not even his wake-up call to a majority that was comfortable living in atrophied isolation, actively oblivious to the catastrophic rot around us. Behind it all, his greatest gift was to vividly lay bare the Body of Christ and challenge us to live in it...