Main Menu

Main Menu for Fri, 09 Oct 2015 00:00:00 +0200



On MainMenu this week we bring you several short demonstrations of features in iOS 9.0 presented by MainMenu staff member David Woodbridge. Presentations include: 1. Demonstration of the new text selection feature in iOS 9.0. 2. Demonstration of the VoiceOver practice area with selection of handwriting, and Braille screen writing enabled on the roter. 3. Setting the preference for the VoiceOver VO keys on a bluetooth keyboard. 4. A tutorial on setting the "Hey Siri" feature on your device. 5. A day in the use of "Hey Siri" on the iPhone 6S. Our second feature for this week will be a presentation by Greg Stilson Manager for Braille and GPS products at Humanware of writing and reading Unified English Braille UEB on the Apex note taker. This new feature was just added in Apex firmware release 9.5 this summer. Do not forget that we will be having a very special presentation next week with Dan Clark from Freedom Scientific introducing us to all the new features in Jaws for Windows version 17. This will be