Burch Hyper Fitness Systems (bhs)

National Geopgrahic World Talk Interview



Sean Burch started out with a lofty goal: to climb Mount Everest solo and without supplementary oxygen. To accomplish this, Sean developed a training regimen that incorporated cardio and strength elements, nutrition, and mental conditioning. That program took him to Everest's summit and helped launch his career as one of the world's premier athletes. He is now considered an "American Fitness Guru" (Men's Journal) and sought after for his unique techniques and his contagious enthusiasm.Hyperfitness means learning to test and challenge yourself every day. It means setting short-term and long-range goals and achieving them. It means pushing yourself and discovering that you are stronger, tougher, and more capable than you ever dreamed. With Sean's three building blocks to success-hyperstrength (exercise), hyperfare (nutrition), and hypermind (mental conditioning)-you can accomplish any physical and mental goal you can imagine in twelve short weeks.But what sets this fitness book apart is Sean Burch's incredible personal story and his encouraging, no-holds-barred motivational approach. With such creative daily exercises as speed skater drills, aerial spins, scale the whale, and ski-mogul master jumps clearly illustrated throughout, the workouts are more like obstacle courses-challenging, varied, and fun. Whether you are preparing for a marathon or another event, or are just ready to dedicate yourself to getting in the best shape of your life physically and mentally, Hyperfitness will inspire you to reach the highest level of yourself possible.WWW.SEANBURCH.COM | WWW.HYPERFITNESSLIVING.COM