Nigel Killick Executive Producer At Peopletalk's Posts

Percy Lewis Is An Old Soldier (July 2014) Recording 3



Here are 3 parts of a peopletalk Oral history interview made by Nigel Killick at peopletalk. Mr.Percy Lewis is an old soldier who, was on the Normandy beaches in the invasion of Europe in the Second World War at the age of 19. Percy Lewis is now 91 years of age, and is still very physically active. He loves to swim at least twice a week and still loves to drive himself everywhere in his new Honda car. Finally, after fighting his way up through Europe he was captured by the Germans and put into Stalag X1B prisoner war camp, where he was virtually starving when liberated. When set free he only weighed six stone, and he looked like he’d come out of a concentration camp. His interview was over two and a half hours long but he still has the stamina of a young man. His whole interview is in three 30 minute programs. I have nothing but admiration for his generation and the terrible times that they went through and how they've remained good-humoured and modes