Diamond Factory

14 8 25 Candace Hoke



Candace Hoke, Young Living Platinum! Candace is a “YL cousin” of mine. She’s a horse gal and has an incredible passion for health. Candace was introduced to YL when she was recovering from a devastating injury that left her in excruciating pain every day. Now, Candace is a feisty go-getter type … for her to be unable to ride her horses was devastating. Luckily her strong will and never ending search for answers brought her to YL through our beloved friend Virginia Litza. When Candace started feeling better, she shared her favorite products with her circle of influence. Tonight she is going to share her journey and how she recently achieved Platinum! What we’re going to talk about: 1. The message Candace shared that catapulted her business. 2. Her regimen to heal her body from crippling issues, twice! 3. How she works with her teams to encourage & inspire. 4. Top 5 keys to success. 5. If she could do it all over, what would hindsight have taught her. Join us for the Monday Night Calls! E