Diamond Factory

14 11 03 Zenaida Lorenzo



Zenaida Lorenzo! Zenaida is passionate about psychological research. While most research is considered boring to read and hard to understand, she is committed to making scholarly research insightful, actionable, and applicable to our daily lives. She began her career twenty years ago in NYC as a marketing and sales executive. In 2004, she started her own business, which quickly generated millions of dollars in revenue. Because of her success, she was called upon to speak at conferences across the nation, and she found that participants would often ask to talk privately with her about their challenges, asking how they could experience success in their personal and business life. At first, Zenaida turned to books written by experts, but she quickly realized that the experts were contradicting one another. She also realized she didn’t have the necessary foundation to point those who wanted answers in the right direction. She decided to return to school and dedicate her time to understanding psychological rese