Diamond Factory

14 12 1 Jacob Adamo



Jacob Adamo! Jacob’s wife (Sarah) decided to pursue a YL business a year ago. Jacob would assist his wife building her business by helping out at presentations. He noticed there was a pattern with the questions each personality type needed answering before they commit to enrolling in YL. When Jacob tied Big Al’s personality colors with the specific question each one has, the Adamo’s business started growing 15% a month! What we are going to talk about: 1. How to build momentum that guarantees growth every month. 2. “Full Spectrum Success”, what’s the book about? 3. Basics of presenting that leaves nobody feeling left out. 4. Getting newbies presented right away. 5. Review of Big Al’s colors. Visit Jacob’s site http://liveintruecolor.com and FaceBook Page https://www.facebook.com/FullSpectrumSuccess Join us for the Monday Night Calls! Every week we have guests that are industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and Corporate staff. This Young Living Business Training is free to anyone who i