Diamond Factory

14 12 29 Tom Challan



Life Coach, Tom Challan! Yeah, Tom was on a few weeks ago and you guys went bonkers over his message. Him and I were talking post call because we had such strong, positive feedback. We were trying to figure out how to further support you and decided to do a year end call tonight. 2016 is days away, are you ready? What do you need to do? How can you make it your best year ever? That is what Tom and I are going to talk about! 1) Why most people never achieve their New Year’s Goals. 2) How to get on track and be held accountable. 3) What is a realistic goal? 4) With a busy schedule, how you can start a business! 5) Ways to start getting the word out about your Young Living business. Join us for the Monday Night Calls! Every week we have guests that are industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and Corporate staff. This Young Living Business Training is free to anyone who is looking to build a business, please share with your teams. To get more training, visit http://oursimpletraini