Diamond Factory

15 1 26 Jen Springer



Jen Springer tells all about how to do a simple get together! If you love your oils, you want to share them to help your friends and family. How do you do that without being pushy or creating “weirdness” in your relationship? We get emails daily on how to do a 1 on 1 or group get together info session about the oils. It’s super easy and low pressure if you know what to do! The trick is, how do you keep it low key and still get people to enroll with you?!?!?!? What you might expect tonight: 1. What supplies you MUST have with you. 2. Do you need to have Starter Kits? 3. Wrapping up the presentation efficiently. 4. Low pressure invitation that get people to show up. 5. The products to talk about. 6. How long the gathering should be. 7. To serve food or not to serve food, that is the question! Join us for the Monday Night Calls! Every week we have guests that are industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and Corporate staff. This Young Living Business Training is free to anyone w