Becoming Catholic Podcast - St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center

Christ's Death, Resurrection, and Ascension



Matt’s keynote presentations: Christ’s Death and ResurrectionSmall-Group Questions to Reflect Upon This Week Since We Didn't Get to Them- Describe a “path to Glory” in your own life. Where has Christ provided light in the darkness?- Give an example of “dying to self” leading to “finding self.”- How does Christ provide hope for you in times of uncertainty?- If Christ could gift you with one thing as a response to giving/surrendering yourself to Him, what would it be?Prayer Practice: The Examen- When Have I Loved Others Selflessly? Thank God- When I have Been Loved Selflessly? Thank God- When I have Failed to Love Others Selflessly? Examine where God was during those moments. Talk to Him. Seek his Loving forgiveness- When Have Others Failed to Love you Selflessly? Ask for God’s Grace to Forgive.- Make a Concrete Act of Change with Grace.Homework: Read the Gospel of Mark, Asking:- Where is Christ in my suffering?- Where is the gift in my suffering?- What is one thing I can do tomorrow to respond more faithfully