Shattered Order Podcast

Ep.24: When turn order matter and other Q&A's



Shattered Order Podcast: Ep. 24 Friday, 12/02/2016 ─ Hosts Dan, GoodNightPunk Michael, WinKILLERinc Show Notes Update? Ships Update to Zeta Information from last week Need 5 5* DS Ships to unlock Executrix Can use mix LS/DS ships for Executrix up to 3*. 4* + requires Need 8 7* Ships to do last Ship Ability Mat Challenge, mixture LS/DS Q&A AAT P3: Your thoughts on Boba lead with Greedo, Scavenger, Nebit and/or Asajj (with her new speed), Dengar, Zam Wessel. Pros: tm with thermal, Asajj crazy fast and always buff, crit damage... from guildmate: Bedor Do you think that if we get enough redditors to sign a petition to balance mods away from speed being the singular stat needed, they would listen? What’s a snowball’s chance in hell? Should I farm Baze from the Shard Shop? Eh. Yoda or Plo to G11 first? -John on twitter. Attempting first T7 Monday! Yoda because he can be super awesome against the Rancor! If done correctly, your entire time can have foresight before the Rancors first turn, works well in P2-4. One of