Hype Girl Podcast

This is 40: Embracing the Trifecta of being a Wife, Mom and Entrepreneur with Seandra Pope



"We can have it all." These words have a way of echoing throughout this episode and were spoken by Seandra Pope, a wife, mom and multi-passionate entrepreneur who is embracing the courage of shifting into a new decade. We unpack the trifecta of being a woman, juggling the many hats we wear, the importance of our identities, pivoting in our business, pushing past the timeline fear, extending grace to other women and so much more! Links are below: Instagram The Staddy Store: https://www.staddystore.com/ Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/theseandrapope/   Hype Life Links https://www.hypelifecollection.com https://mailchi.mp/213c41a33ebe/hypelife