SALES Network1

21: Rethink the way you sell w/Jeff Bajorek



How often do you sit down to rethink the way you sell? This is the motto of Jeff Bajorek, consultant, author at Parabola Consulting LLC and Podcast Host of The Why And The Buy. I told Jeff that I could not emphasize enough how much I enjoyed our conversation. Here is part of what we discussed, and if you are in Sales I’d love you hear your thoughts on it... Ultimately, you don’t need to make your prospects aware of the solution, so much as you need to make them aware that a better state exists. Ask the right curious questions that truly paint the picture in your prospects' minds. What are your differentiators? Why are you different? When you dive deep into these questions you might realize that you got no competition Now, this is the thing when you control the narrative about the most advantageous way you solve that problem, your competitor has to sell to your prospects on a completely different philosophy. And, when you control that philosophy, you are in control of the sales process Create tension with your