Adam Fortais

The AlmaMAC episode 154 (Jan 30/20): Billy Bostad on heart health, interval training, returning to academia, smart watches... (Host: Adam)



Here's the deal. You can get a 45 minute workout done in 10 minutes... but it's going to be tough. Billy Bostad is working towards a PhD in McMaster's Human Performance Lab. His work focuses on the physical responses everyday people have to extremely short, intense bouts of exercise, and how to encorporate this type of exercise into a healthy lifestyle that anyone can benefit from. We also learn about how Billy found physiology at Guelph, earned a MSc in it at Queen's, got a job, then left to pursue his PhD at McMaster. You can follow Billy on social media (Twitter + Instagram). If you are interested in his work, you can email him directly (bostadw  at  mcmaster  dot  ca). If you are reaaaaally interested in his work, check out the Human Performance Lab! I betcha they are recruiting students and volunteers.