Eastside At Olive Springs

The Final Battle: ARMAGEDDON! - Audio



Three things about this great end-time battle that, as believers, we need to know. It's timing, the batle itself and, finally, the victor of the battle! For the believer, he/she is not to fear the coming judgment of God! But, as we study this Scripture, we should discover a renewed commitment of our lives to live out each day God gives to us as holier than the others. Studying Eschatology should cause us to live closer to God than ever before. Rather than paranoia, there should be excitement over the end of the story: GOD WINS! Satan is defeated eternally! And, God institutes his millennial kingdom as KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS! Listen as our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, shares these three important facts of the final battle: ARMAGEDDON!