Eastside At Olive Springs

The Blessed Hope! God's Church Snatched HOME! - Audio



The Bible is very clear - God's Church will be "snatched away Home!" I believe the Bible teaches that we are living of the "edge of the edge" when it comes to the RAPTURE of the Church (the Bride of Christ) becoming reality in our lifetime! Only God knows when that time will be! But, when it does, there is nothing in heaven, hell or earth that will prevent our Lord Jesus from coming in the skies to claim His Bride - the CHURCH! Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Randy Cheek, continues his series entitled, "Even So...COME, LORD JESUS! - What the Bible Says!" Prior to the message listen to our Choir special with soloist, Mr. Bill Miller, singing, "The Anchor Holds!" Our choir is directed by our Minister of Worship/Music, Rev. Keith Barnes. Be challenged and be blessed as you listen! And, once again, we consider it our honor for you to have chosen to listen to this message. Extra copies are available through our church office at (770) 427-5519.